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Student/Parent Handbook

Our handbook has answers to many of the main questions asked about our school. You can find all of this information in the beginning pages of your student's planner. Here are the topics covered:


  • Academic Honesty
  • After School Activities
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs
  • Attendance
  • Backpacks, Bookbags
  • Bicycles
  • Board of Education Policies
  • Books & Supplies
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying
  • Buses, Bus Supervision
  • Calling the School
  • Cancellation of School
  • Character Education
  • Classroom Etiquette
  • Clubs, Intramurals, Interscholastic Sports
  • Counseling
  • Dignity for All Students Act
  • Dress and Appearance
  • Electronic Devices
  • Fund Raising by Students
  • General Information
  • Hall Etiquette
  • Health Office
  • Homework
  • Insurance
  • Library Media Center
  • Lunch
  • Music
  • Non-Discrimination Notice
  • Parent Portal
  • Parent Teacher Student Association
  • Physical Education Dress
  • Progress Reports
  • Protection of Valuables
  • Report Cards
  • School Calendar
  • Student Records
  • Study Halls, Sports Study Halls
  • Study Skills and Habits
  • Suspension of Students
  • Teaming
  • Transfers
  • Trespassing and Loitering
  • Visitors

Student/Parent Handbook