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Special Education

The Special Education Department at Twelve Corners Middle School is dedicated to providing classified students with a curriculum that follows the New York State standards, while meeting individual needs. There is a strong collaboration between the special education and general education staff to ensure that there are strong parallels between what is being taught in the special education settings and the regular education settings. Students are given support through a variety of methods and a continuum of services to help them achieve their greatest potential.

Each student within the Special Education Department has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which outlines that student’s program. This includes a narrative of present levels of abilities and needs, relevant testing information, long-term goals and short-term objectives for the student to work towards, as well as specific program and testing modifications that are appropriate and necessary for that student to be successful.

TCMS offers a continuum of services based on the needs of the students. Regardless of the intensity of service provided, the students are challenged to reach the highest standards possible.

Classified New Entrants to District
When a classified student enters TCMS, they are temporarily placed in a program that is as close to the program from their previous district as possible. This will allow us to assess individual learning styles, identify strengths and needs, and determine the necessary level of support for the student to succeed at TCMS. A Committee on Special Education (CSE) meeting is then held to place the student in an appropriate program.

Declassification Support Services (DSS)
Students receiving this service have been previously classified with a special education disability that adversely affects their educational performance and has required the need for specially designed instruction. Declassification can occur at any time in a school year at any CSE meeting if it has been determined there is no longer a need for specially designed instruction and/or the disability no longer adversely affects access to a free and appropriate public education. When students are declassified, they continue to receive declassification support services for one year.

For a more in-depth description of special education services offered at TCMS please refer to the program of studies handbook.