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Extended Studies Services at TCMS

The middle school program is designed to nurture the characteristics of giftedness, such as high achievement or creativity. The extension and enrichment opportunities provided to students may be within a particular content area or may be focused on other areas of student interest.

Whole class experiences in Extended Studies are offered to students in grades six through eight. Students meet for Extended Studies in place of having a study hall or during a lunch period.

Accelerated coursework is also offered for students who need a more challenging academic learning environment. Participation in an accelerated course is based upon performance in the classroom and on assessments. In sixth grade, eligible students are placed in an accelerated math class. In seventh and eighth grades, eligible students may accelerate in math and/or science.

Consultation services are provided by the Extended Studies teacher to teachers of grades six through eight.

Co-curricular activities offer opportunities for students to extend and enhance their skills and interests in academic subjects, the performing arts, the environment, community service and athletics. Students may choose to participate in local and national competitions, musical groups, interscholastic sports, school governance, and dozens of school clubs.