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Physical Education

The philosophy of the physical education department at TCMS is to provide students of all abilities with an opportunity to learn and instill three general areas of development.  Our goal is to encourage the physical, mental, and social growth of each student in our program.  The staff will present a wide range of activities throughout the year that will teach principals that will help promote lifelong health and wellness.  These activities will be presented in a manner where students will have an opportunity to experience success at their level.  The focus will be trust, teamwork, cooperation, communication, and fun.  We believe that "All students can learn... All students can succeed. "

Physical Education Units

Students will be given options every 9-12 days regarding which units they want to participate in. They will be able to decide between: 

CrossFit/Fitness training, 

Lifelong activities 

Team sports.  

The units within these headings will continuously change throughout the year. Students will fill out a form on the first day of the rotation, and they can decide to stay with the same option or rotate and try something different.   

Students should always come prepared in comfortable PE clothes (shorts, t-shirts, sweats and sneakers). Again, please note, they will not be able to participate in slides, flip flops, or crocks  

Interscholastic Sports are available to all 7th and 8th grade students: 



  • Cross Country 

  • Soccer  

  • Cheerleading 

  • Volleyball 


  • Football 

  • Soccer 

  • Cross Country  

  • Volleyball 




  • Basketball 

  • Swimming  

  • Cheerleading 


  • Wrestling 

  • Basketball  

  • Swimming 




  • Field Hockey 

  • Softball 

  • Track & Field 

  • Lacrosse 


  • Lacrosse 

  • Modified Baseball  

  • Track & Field 

Students with exceptional ability, behavior, and good academic standing may qualify for high school sports programs through the N.Y.S. Selection Classification Program. Students must be recommended by the Varsity Coach.