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Brighton High School Special Event Information

Brighton High School Special Event Information

When ordering tickets for events such as Brighton High School's Ham Jam, Junior Prom and Senior Ball, please remember that:

  • tickets for special events should be numbered on both the ticket and ticket stub
  • ticket stubs are retained therefore, the ticket stub should be perforated for ease of attaching to an Please click here for the Admissions Reconciliation Form
  • tickets can be booklet bound.  This will ensure the tickets will remain in numerical order prior to selling

For an example, please see the ticket image on this page. 

Information pertaining to Brighton High School's Springfest:

  • attend Executive Student Council’s kickoff meeting
  • sign up for a cash box
  • pick up cash box from Mrs. V the morning of Springfest
  • return cash box to Mrs. V at the end of Springfest
  • count your money, fill out a deposit slip and return start up cash to Mrs. V
  • complete a Please click here for the Profit and Loss Statement

Ham Jam