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After School Process For Success

After School Process for Success


Some Reasons to Stay After with a Teacher:

  • Do homework newly assigned, stay after on the day of class
  • Catch up on missing homework, tests, projects, labs, etc.
  • Ask for help on a topic you do not understand
  • Get help organizing your binder


Before Staying:

  • Ask, ‘What do I need to work on?’ or ‘What class do I owe work for?’ stay with that teacher.
  • Bring all needed material


 Go to the classroom:

  • Start working on assignment
  • Ask questions as needed
  • Ask teacher to check your work
  • Is assignment complete?
    • If YES, cross it off your planner and turn it in
    • If NO, note this in your planner and complete it at home, turn it in when done.